
Digital equipment upgrade

Currently, your lifeline is connected to the analogue phone network. This network is being replaced by a digital one. This is called the digital upgrade.

We will start upgrading lifeline alarms and any linked sensors in the coming months.

Find out more about the upgrade and what you need to do on our changes to the phone system and lifeline alarms page.

Referring a patient

If you are a medical professional and discharging a patient, refer them to Forestcare to help them get the support at home that they need.

Make a referral to Forestcare

Already have a lifeline?

Why not investigate our range of sensors and see how else we can help you.

Explore our range of sensors

CQC inspection results

What our customers say

Not long after my alarm was installed, I fell and injured myself. I was able to activate my alarm and put a call through to Forestcare, who called my daughter and arranged for an ambulance to attend.

I did not realise the importance of having a lifeline alarm and wearing my pendant until I suffered this accident.

My friend had fallen and was trapped in an awkward position.

He rang me and I managed to get him propped against his chair but needed help to sort him out fully.