Report Blue Badge misuse
If you misuse your Blue Badge, you could be fined up to £1,000, on top of any parking offences, fines or tickets.
We are committed to protecting the Blue Badge Scheme and genuine users. We take the misuse of Blue Badges very seriously and are vigilant in the checks we make to avoid misuse.
Abuse and fraudulent use of Blue Badges undermines public confidence in the scheme. It means fewer spaces are available for those using their badges correctly.
If you suspect that a Blue Badge is being misused, please let us know. All information will be treated in the strictest confidence.
Let us know if:
- someone is using a badge who shouldn't have one
- someone is using someone else's badge
- someone has a Blue Badge but is parking unlawfully or dangerously
To let us know if someone is misusing a Blue Badge, contact the Blue Badge administrator on