Bracknell Forest Lottery celebrates four years

Graphic with confetti and the words 'Bracknell Forest Lottery 4 years! ago first draw

Four years ago today, Bracknell Forest Lottery had it first draw!

Last year, the council distributed £24,000 from the central fund. This was split between:

  • £12,000 divided between charities and good causes that sold at least 20 tickets a week
  • 12 grants of £1,000

Cllr Mary Temperton, leader of Bracknell Forest Council, said:

“We are so proud of what the Bracknell Forest Lottery has achieved over the last four years.

“By taking part, it is a brilliant way to give back to the community and support local good and worthwhile causes. Thank you to everyone for all your hard work, I look forward to seeing what the next year holds.”

Players can sign up to play through the Bracknell Forest Lottery website. Bracknell Forest Lottery is a free way for any local not-for-profit groups, parent-teacher association (PTAs), sports clubs or other charities to fundraise in a sustainable way and a great way for local residents to support them.

If you know a local charity or good cause that may benefit from fundraising, you can find out how it works for fundraisers online or call 01344 590321.