Keeping you safe


Safeguarding means protecting everyone’s right to be safe and free from abuse.

Safeguarding alert

A safeguarding alert tell us that you might not be safe.

We will look at the information to help you to stay safe.

Safeguarding meeting

If you are not safe we will hold a meeting with you.

At this meeting we will look at ways of making you feel safer.

We will ask you what you want to happen.

Safeguarding plan

We will work with you to make a plan to help keep you safe.

The plan will be checked regularly to make sure it’s working and you are safer.

We will carry on helping you until things are better.

When you are feeling safe we won’t have anymore meetings about your safety.

Later on, if you want any help with keeping safe we can help you.

Help from the council

During the day you can ring this number: 01344 351500. 

In the evening or night you can ring this number: 01344 351999.

Or you can email:

Other people who can help

Bracknell Forest Safeguarding Board (BFSB):

The Advocacy People:

Care Quality Commission (CQC):