Drop in support

Drop in support at Sandhurst Day Centre

To support carers of people over 55, we run a drop in scheme at Sandhurst Day Centre.

It is free to register the person you care for.

Before they attend, they will need to have a brief assessment. We will create a personalised care plan for them and keep it on file.

You can arrange to drop the person off at the centre, giving you time to meet friends, attend medical appointments or simply relax.

During their visit, the person being cared for can take part in activities, have refreshments and eat lunch. A small fee is charged for this service.

Once a person has used the centre, it may be possible to make last-minute arrangements on the day.

Contact information

Adult Social Care

Get in touch using our online portal or by:

If you are in crisis or a person is at risk, please contact us by phone.

Outside of normal working hours, the phone number will divert to the Emergency Duty Service. They will respond to anything that cannot wait until the next working day.