Rules and procedures
We advertise our tenders on the Find a Tender Service (FTS) website where the expected contract value will exceed:
- £189,330 for supplies and remaining services contracts
- £663,540 for social and other specific services
- £4,733,252 for works and concessions
Strict timescales are given, to make sure there is reasonable time to respond to adverts and prepare tender submissions.
Companies expressing interest may be sent a selection questionnaire. Responses to this are used to determine the tender shortlist.
Tender documents will outline the criteria to be used to evaluate bids, but will generally be based on an assessment of the best offer. This will take into account, not only price, but the whole life cost and related quality or service issues.
Council tender procedure
Where expenditure on works, services or supplies is anticipated to be more than £189,330, a formal tendering exercise will be undertaken. Alternatively an existing framework may be used and, where appropriate, a further competition will be run.
Council quotation procedure
In cases where expenditure on works, services or supplies is expected to fall below £189,330 a quotation exercise will be undertaken inviting no less than 3 organisations (wherever possible) to bid. Lower value requirements for goods or services may take advantage of existing frameworks or be advertised on the South East Business Portal.
Alternatively, tenderers for works contracts where the value falls below the threshold of £4,733,252 may be selected from constructionline - a national database.
We publish details of council contracts, including:
- all expenditure over £500 on our publication scheme
- contracts over £5,000 on our publication scheme
- formal tender documents