Bracknell Forest Children's Disability Register

The purpose of the register is to enable Bracknell Forest Children’s Services and Health Services, together with voluntary organisations, to work more closely together to identify and plan for children and young people with disabilities and their parents or carers.

The register enables services to:

  • identify gaps in provisions for children with disabilities and their parents or carers
  • plan services to meet the needs of children with disabilities and their parents or carers
  • plan work around the Year 9 Transition Review (for children who have a statement of special educational needs) or Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP)
  • plan services for when children with disabilities leave school

The register also forms the basis of a mailing list to inform and consult with children and their parents or carers about new and existing services, gaps in services, changes to benefits, holiday schemes and other activities.

Registration is voluntary

Registration is on a voluntary basis and no child will be registered without parental consent. Registration is not required in order to receive any services. However, the more that is known about children with disabilities in Bracknell Forest, the more effectively services can be planned.

Registration does not mean that a child is eligible for services.

It is expected that a child who is on the register would normally have a disability which has a marked impact on their daily life.

Who is eligible for the register

To be included on the register, a child should be:

  • under 18
  • resident in Bracknell Forest or the responsibility of Bracknell Forest Council
  • able to be registered under one of the primary disability categories

Primary disability categories:

  • Autistic Spectrum Disorder
  • behavioural, emotional and social difficulties (for example ADHD, ODD)
  • developmental delay
  • hearing impairment
  • learning difficulty/disability
  • medical
  • multiple sensory impairment (such as hearing and sight loss)
  • physical disability
  • profound and multiple learning difficulties (PMLD)
  • speech, language and communication difficulties
  • severe learning difficulties
  • visual impairment


How long your child will be registered depends on the disability of your child. The registration could be for a period as short as one year, or as long as from birth until they reach 18. It will be reviewed periodically. No child’s name will be removed from the register without informing their parents or carers.

How to register

To register, print out and complete the pdf below. You can then take a picture of your filled out form and email this to:

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157 KB

Contact information

Short breaks team