This scheme allows members of the public to speak at meetings of the overview and scrutiny commission, under the control of the Chair of the meetings.
All issues raised under this scheme are given careful consideration. It may not be possible to resolve issues to the satisfaction of everyone, in every case. However, we will make sure that issues are considered fairly.
Arranging to speak
To speak at a meeting you must notify the council in writing, by midday at least 3 clear working days before the meeting.
Speakers are registered on a 'first-come' basis. The Chair will decide on the maximum number of speakers in the light of time available (usually 20 minutes). It cannot be guaranteed that everyone who applies will be allowed to speak.
To arrange to speak, contact Democratic Services.
You must provide:
- your name
- your organisation (if applicable)
- your address
- a daytime contact number
- your agreement that your name can be published
- a summary of the subject to be raised
You must be resident in Bracknell Forest, or a representative of a business operating in the area.
Only one person may speak about each submission at the meeting. In the case of a statement on behalf of an organisation or more than one person, you must identify the organisation and others who are party to the submission.
If you have any special needs, please let us know at least one working day before the meeting.
Matters outside the scheme
Some matters fall outside the scope of this scheme. These are:
- personal circumstances where it would not be appropriate for details to be aired in open session
- individual complaints – we have a corporate complaints procedure that should be used
- matters appropriate to one of the council’s regulatory or decision making bodies
- other issues of any kind which have been formally published and where specific arrangements are made for the public to express their views
- matters unrelated to the remit of the relevant Overview and Scrutiny commission
The Chair may also reject a submission if it:
- is not about a matter for which the board has a responsibility or which affects the Bracknell Forest or Ascot area
- is defamatory, vexatious, frivolous or offensive
- is substantially the same as a submission which has already been put at that meeting or another meeting held within the preceding 6 months
- is about the subject of an appeal or review procedure that has not yet been concluded
- needs the disclosure of confidential or exempt information
The Overview and Scrutiny Commission meets 10 times a year. Details of upcoming meetings are available on Modern.Gov.
They usually take place at 7:30pm in the Council Chamber at Time Square.
At the meeting
If registered to speak you must arrive at the venue for the meeting at least 15 minutes before the meeting.
A Governance and Scrutiny Officer will be present at the meeting. You must report to them when you arrive. If you fail to do this, you may not be allowed to speak.
Copies of questions or statements received will be circulated to members of the commission or panel concerned, and will be made available to members of the public who attend the meeting.
Once the meeting has reached the agenda item on subjects raised by the public, the Chair will invite each registered speaker in turn to speak for 3 minutes to outline their views. This time limit will be strictly enforced.
The speaker is not allowed to ask supplementary questions of councillors, officers or others at the meeting.
The Chair may allow a discussion and questions to be raised on your statement.
After the meeting
The members of the commission or panel concerned, or council officers, may contact you to seek your further input.
You will be told of any action taken.