Copyright: re-using public sector information

Most of the information provided in response to freedom of information requests is subject to copyright protection.

You are free to use any information supplied for your own use, including non-commercial research and private study, but you will need a licence from us for any other form of re-use, for example posting material on a website, or distributing copies at a meeting.

Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2015

The Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations help to make sure the effective re-use of information produced in the public sector. The regulations provide public authorities with the ability to place a copyright notice on many of their documents advising of a charge for any re-use of the information.

The regulations make sure public authorities have the following obligations:

  • to publish a list of its documents which are available for re-use
  • to provide a clear statement of the arrangements for re-use of its information
  • to clearly explain any applicable charges for re-use and any licence terms and conditions
  • to process applications for re-use in a timely, open and transparent manner and through fair, consistent and non-discriminatory processes (the council has up to 20 working days to respond to a re-use request)
  • to establish a quick and easily accessible complaints system


The following documents are exempt from the regulations:

  • documents that are exempt from disclosure under Freedom of Information legislation
  • documents in which the copyright or other intellectual property rights are owned or controlled by a third party other than the council
  • documents that fall outside the scope of the public task of the council, that is, documents produced that are not directly related to the core responsibilities of the council, such as documents with a value-added or commercial nature
  • documents held by educational and research establishments such as schools, universities, archives and libraries
  • documents held by cultural establishments including museums, theatres and arts centres

Make a re-use of information request

If you wish to re-use any of our information please contact the Legal Service team detailing how the information will be re-used.


We intend to make the material on our website and any significant documents available through the publication scheme (other than those where charges apply) available for re-use.

Where a licence is needed this may be free of charge. In cases where there is commercial gain to the re-user a fee will be charged. You will be told if there is a charge.

Complaints about the handling of request for re-use of information requests

If you would like to make a complaint about the handling of your request for re-use of information please see our complaints page.

If you are still unsatisfied you can refer your complaint to

Contact information

Legal Team