2023 to 2024
Number of staff who are union officials:
- central function: 8
- education: 1
- total: 9
Full time equivalent of staff who are union officials:
- central function: 7.42
- education: 1
- total: 8.42
Percentage of time spent on union duties
Percentage of time spent on union duties
% Time spent | Number of employees |
0% | 3 |
1-50% | 6 |
51-99% | 0 |
100% | 0 |
- facility time - 774 hours total (635 hours, education)
- total cost of facility time - £20,341 (education, £17,926)
- total union cost as percentage of total staff bill - 0.022%
- number of non schools staff in organisation - 50 to 1500