By carrying out scrutiny we make sure that we are transparent and have democratic accountability for the running of the council.
We want to encourage greater public participation in our work. This is particularly important in the area of scrutiny. You can get involved in a number of ways.
Suggest a topic for inquiry
We welcome topic suggestions for the work programme. Topics need to:
- affect a group of people living within the borough
- relate to a service, event or issue in which the council has a significant stake - or over which the council has an influence
- not be an issue which overview and scrutiny has considered during the last 12 months
- not relate to an individual service complaint
- not relate to matters dealt with by another council committee
Contribute to a review
Members of the public, community groups, and other key stakeholders may be invited to give evidence in person at an overview and scrutiny review meeting. This gives the commission or panel members a chance to discuss issues with the experts or allows witnesses to elaborate on written evidence.
We encourage the submission of written information. Written information should contain:
- factual evidence and information from which conclusions can be drawn
- any suggested recommendations for action by the council or others, which you would like to be considered
Written information may be published by the commission or panel along with the final report. If any part of the evidence is confidential or if you wish to remain anonymous, state this in your submission.
Submit evidence by email to
Attend a Commission meeting
You are welcome to come to our Overview and Scrutiny Commission meetings which are held in public. Commission meetings start at 7:30pm. They are usually held in the council chamber at Time Square (unless otherwise specified).
Speak at a Commission meeting
Our public participation scheme gives you the chance to directly tell councillors about the things that concern you.
Read our guide for attending meetings.
Community Call for Action
The Police and Justice Act 2006 states that where a councillor is asked to consider a local crime and disorder or substance misuse matter by a person who lives or works in their ward, that councillor must consider the matter.
The councillor must respond to the person indicating what, if any, action they intend to take to resolve the matter.
This action may include referring the matter to the Overview and Scrutiny Commission. The commission can:
- review or scrutinise decisions made, or other action taken, in connection with the discharge of local crime and disorder functions
- make reports or recommendations to the council or the cabinet about the discharge of those functions