Climate change strategy

Our objective

To be carbon neutral by as close to 2030 as possible.

We will achieve this through 4 strategic principles:

Working with partners

Working with schools and young people

Preserving the climate beneficial elements of the COVID-19 pandemic

Preserving the natural environment sustainably in line with the Bracknell Forest Local Plan

View the Local Plan

Our full strategy

Our full strategy is available to download.

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Action plan

Our action plan has 2 main strands:

Reduce carbon emissions that are under the council's control

Influence and lead

community action against climate change

Currently, we have:

  • 42 live projects
  • 5 of these projects reflect emissions that the council has direct control over
  • 18 of these projects reflect emissions that we can influence within the borough
  • 19 of these projects are a combination of direct control and influence

Action plan quarterly update

You can read a detailed overview of our progress on our climate change strategy action plan page.

Climate change strategy annual report

Read about the progress we made over the last year.

Climate Change Joint Climate Action Board

The Climate Change Joint Action Board unites organisations in Bracknell Forest. They work together on climate action and monitor progress towards Net Zero targets. The work of the board is crucial to our strategic approach to climate change. It will play a central role in developing our Community Climate Emergency Strategy.

The board is chaired by Leader the council, Cllr Mary Temperton and is supported by several working groups from different sectors. Our climate change commitments and co-operation page has more information and explains how you can get involved.

Contact information

Climate Change Team