Acceptable use of ICT

In using the centre facilities, users agree to the principles governing their use as set out below.

We want to make sure that when you use our facilities, you are safe. This policy applies to all public ICT facilities used within the centre, including desktop computers, laptops, netbooks, tablets and WiFi.

Responsibilities of users

The responsibilities of users are that:

  • no use may be made of online facilities that is illegal under English law
  • you may not view, download, store or transfer material that is regarded as obscene or that may reasonably be regarded as seriously objectionable by other users
  • you may not use centre facilities to access websites or materials that promote terrorism or violent extremism or that seek to radicalise individuals - if you wish to research these topics as part of your learning, you must ask us for permission
  • you may not use the facilities to harass others or in any other way make life unpleasant for them - for instance by sending unsolicited advertising material
  • you may not make or imply any financial commitment on behalf of Community Learning, Bracknell Open Learning Centre or Bracknell Forest Council
  • any financial transaction carried out with the use of these facilities is the sole responsibility of the user
  • no improper advantage may be taken of other users’ mistakes, such as a failure to log-off, to close access to or to delete personal information
  • no intellectual property rights may be infringed
  • the privacy of other users should be respected at all times

To help the smooth running of the centre, you may not:

  • change the default settings on software or hardware
  • do anything that corrupts or destroys data illegitimately
  • download or otherwise install software on the computers
  • introduce hoaxes, viruses or anything obstructive or damaging to systems
  • disclose your passwords or other access controls to others
  • use the facilities for commercial gain
  • make excessive or inappropriate use of facilities such as chat rooms
  • use the facilities excessively, to the detriment of other users

Limitations to the responsibilities of staff

Community Learning, Bracknell Open Learning Centre, Bracknell Forest Council, their staff, and the organisations involved in supporting services shall not be responsible for the actions of users, most particularly in the case of illegal, objectionable or commercial use of the facilities.

Contact information

Community Learning Team

Email: for course information

Email: for room hire

Phone: 01344 354220