This page provides an overview of how digital and ICT will support the delivery of the council's strategic objectives from January 2021 to December 2024.
Providing digital services that internal and external customers can have confidence in is reliant on a robust ICT infrastructure. This strategy is a combined approach to make sure that the council has digital capabilities considering culture, practices, processes and technologies.
Digital is about mindset and culture. It means working to a set of principles, focusing on user needs, and a commitment to making services digital by default, so that they are simpler, clearer and faster for users.
The council is a signatory to the Local Digital Declaration. That means we are committed to:
- redesigning our services around the needs of the people using them
- breaking our dependence on inflexible and expensive technology that doesn’t join up effectively, in favour of modular common components and open data standards
- designing safe, secure and useful ways of sharing information to build trust among our partners and citizens
- demonstrating digital leadership, creating the conditions for genuine organisational transformation
- embedding an open culture that values, incentivises and expects working in the open wherever we can, sharing our plans and experience, working collaboratively with other organisations, and reusing good practice
Digital Services make sure that we use up-to-date digital solutions and systems to provide information and services.
The team manages internet-based services and content. They make sure they meet accessibility and usability standards and work effectively for all users and on all devices.
ICT Services covers the provision, development and support for laptops, servers, storage devices, applications software, telephony, voice and data communications, network and other security systems.
It is the responsibility of ICT Services to make sure that data is protected and available when required.
Robust and reliable ICT
The ICT Infrastructure (hardware, software and networks) offer high levels of security, availability and performance.

Benefits include:
- resilience – new network strategy, new backup approach
- security – cyber awareness and management
- reliability – good response times from applications, fast recovery and restoration
- the right kit for the way you work
Cloud computing
Applications and infrastructure moving from on-premise to cloud-based hosting using Software as a Service (SaaS) and Microsoft Azure.

Benefits include:
- choice of operating environments – the best solution for each requirement
- reduced footprint – smaller data centre (or none)
- support – provided by supplier
- optimisation – reducing costs over time
Information assets and data
Maintain quality, confidentiality, integrity and availability of data and enable use of comprehensive and powerful data analysis and manipulation tools.

Benefits include:
- accurate and timely reporting to make informed decisions
- analysis giving intelligence and enabling predictions, to aid decision making and policy shaping
- data quality management
- data security and protection
Core activities - work
Location independent working
Employees and other agents working from home or other locations.

Work is what you do and not where you are based.
Benefits include:
- an agile workforce, technically enabled
- reduced commuting and travel for work
- building improved inter-agency working
- better use of council properties
Collaborative working
Expand collaborative working within the council, with partners in the voluntary and community sectors using collaborative systems and fit for purpose premises.

- closer connection with communities, staff, members and partners
- development of community hubs
- improved efficiency
- better customer experience
Improving digital skills
Actively enhancing the digital skills and cyber awareness of the workforce and the digital leaderships skills of senior managers to make optimal use of Digital and ICT.

Benefits include:
- digitally enabled workforce – comfortable with the tools they use
- cyber aware
- development skills
- building digital services
- digital principles in everything we do
Core activities - customers
Digital customer engagement

Providing self-service access to information and services at a time and by a range of channels that are convenient for the customer.
Benefits include:
- making sure digital services and content are accessible to all
- creating a consistent experience across all channels
- more effective and efficient customer engagement
Cloud based telephony

A telephone system with call management, self-service and chat capabilities.
Benefits include:
- simplified telephony for services and customers
- multi-channel contact centre
- improved resilience and business continuity
Digital development
Low-code development and automation

Developing low-code applications that allow the council to implement new processes quickly and at lower cost than third party software application.
Benefits include:
- agility
- development at speed
- replacing some applications, such as COVID-19 response applications
Internet of things

Automate everyday tasks using technology chips and sensors.
Benefits include:
- proactive asset management
- reduced costs
- improved safety
- reduction in avoidable contact
Continuous improvement

Reviewing digital and ICT services systems, support and processes
Review of quality of services delivered and update Digital and ICT systems, support and processes to reflect new ways of working and to ensure, economy, efficiency and effectiveness.
Benefits include:
- economic, effective and efficient services that are fit for the future
- optimised quality of services to customers
- rationalised estate