Customer Experience strategy 2021 to 2024

This page provides an overview of the Customer Experience strategy for January 2021 to December 2024.

It sets out the vision that we will:

  • provide an excellent experience for all customers – residents, partners, businesses and suppliers – whenever and however they deal with us
  • make sure that customers can access services where and when suits their needs
  • design and deliver good services, that meet our customers’ needs in a timely, efficient and cost-effective way

Our aims

The strategy is focused around 5 key aims.

Organising ourselves around customer needs

We will organise our customer experience model around customer needs. 

This will include:

  • transforming our customer service model to reduce demand and be increasingly digital
  • restructuring diverged teams into a single point of contact
  • simplifying our telephone and email contact
  • expanding the current range of services offered by Customer Services
  • increasing first point of contact resolution

Designing an excellent customer experience

We will design an excellent customer experience into everything we do, by:

  • building in accessibility by design
  • being time and place agnostic – our services will be accessible at any time, any place and on any device
  • making things efficient and simple by removing unnecessary process steps
  • making things clear and easy to use by applying our service design principles
  • harnessing technology to enable self-service wherever possible

Growing a 'customer first' culture

We will continue to grow a 'customer first' culture across the organisation, by:

  • extending staff training
  • introducing quality standards and professional accreditation
  • tracking customer enquiries through a single CRM system and owning those enquiries in Customer Services until they are resolved
  • reporting on performance and customer satisfaction
  • improving complaints handling, and learning from customer feedback

Digital by design

We will make sure all our services are 'digital by design' by: 

  • using the Government Digital Service design principles in everything we do
  • offering facilitated digital access to those who don’t have the skills or access to the internet at home
  • increasing digital inclusion and building the digital skills of our customers

Using data and intelligence to improve customer experience

We will use data and intelligence to improve customer experience, by: 

  • ensuring the quality of our data
  • analysing customer activity, to understand what services they use and value, and what services they search for
  • using analysis to identify where services cause problems for customers, and to simplify and make sure our services are accessible
  • using demographic and service data analysis to create intelligence about our customers, so that we can target services at the right people and the right locations