We may be able to help you if you need support at home to:
- recover following an illness, operation or injury
- avoid an unnecessary admission into hospital
- enable you to return home after a hospital stay
If you have any of these needs, we will visit you to make an assessment. An assessment involves:
- talking to you about your situation
- agreeing realistic goals
- putting together a personal treatment plan of therapy and care
The assessment will be completed by the Intermediate Care team, this could be:
- an occupational therapist
- a physiotherapist
- a social worker
- a support coordinator
- a nurse
- a senior support worker
You may also have an assessment by our assistive technology advisor if you need equipment to help you stay safe at home. For example, a life line alarm or falls sensor.
Depending on the outcome of the assessment and your own goals and preferences, you may be provided with:
- equipment in your own home
- a short period of community support in your home
- a rehabilitation programme to help improve your ability to manage at home
If you need a short stay in residential care, we may be able to provide this and put in additional support to enable you to become more independent and return home.
If you are entitled to intermediate care, the service is free of charge while you are working on your goals. This can range from 1 to 6 weeks.
If you need long term support, you may have to pay something towards the cost of your care, based on a financial assessment.
If you already receive care services from the council, you will have to continue to pay for these services. Any extra services you receive from the Intermediate Care Service will be free.
Let us know you need intermediate support at home by:
- phone: 01344 351500
- email: adult.socialcare@bracknell-forest.gov.uk