Speech and language therapy

If you have a diagnosis of dementia, you may experience difficulties with communication and swallowing.

Communication difficulties might include:

  • difficulty remembering what someone has said or a question they have asked
  • forgetting the names of objects or people
  • finding it harder to get your words out
  • difficulty keeping track of conversations

Swallowing difficulties might mean:

  • you are finding it harder to chew food
  • you find yourself chewing without swallowing
  • eating and drinking makes you cough

Speech and language therapists are trained to support people with these difficulties. You will be able to see a speech therapist if you have a referral accepted by the Bracknell Memory Clinic and the memory team feels you will benefit from speech therapy support.


These links include useful advice about managing communication and swallowing difficulties in dementia:

The advice on the links above is not intended to replace that of a speech and language therapist.