Child bereavement

The loss of a child is one of the most difficult things that can happen.

If you are a parent or family member who has experienced the loss of a child, then there is no right or wrong way for you to feel. People grieve in different ways and at different rates, and in some cases you might find that it is difficult to support each other through this sad and difficult time.

It can also be difficult to know how to talk to children about the death of a sibling, for fear of upsetting them further. However, avoiding talking can leave children with further fears and anxieties.

Being honest and including children as much as is possible is often helpful. For example, children may want the opportunity to say goodbye to their sibling, or to be involved with funeral plans. You should not be afraid to show your feelings to your children.

There are a number of different organisations that can provide additional help and support.

Support and advice

National organisations


Provides support for parents of babies in special or intensive care units, as well as for bereaved parents.

Phone: 0207 378 1122

Visit Bliss

Child Bereavement UK

Provides specialised support, information and training to all those affected when a baby or child dies, or when a child is bereaved.

Phone: 0800 02 888 40

Visit Child Bereavement UK

Childhood Bereavement Network

Provides information and signposting around child bereavement for parents, children and young people, families, and other caregivers.

Visit Childhood Bereavement Network

Child Death Helpline

A free, confidential helpline for anyone affected by the death of a child. The helpline is staffed by volunteer parents who have also experienced the loss of a child.


  • from a landline: 0800 282986
  • from a mobile: 0808 800 6019

Visit Child Death Helpline

Grief Encounter

Advice and support for children, young people, parents, carers and professionals. Variety of support available including support through social media.

Phone: 0808 802 0111

Visit Grief Encounter

Hope Again

Hope Again is the youth website of Cruse Bereavement Support.

It is a safe place where you can learn from other young people, how to cope with grief, and feel less alone.

Visit Hope Again

NHS England

NHS England have a guide with step-by-step guidance on what happens when a child dies and where to go for more information and support.

Read the NHS guide (PDF, 2.5mb)

Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society

The Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society (Sands) provides support for bereaved parents when their baby dies at, or soon after, birth.

Phone: 0808 164 3332

Visit Sands

The Lullaby Trust

The Lullaby Trust provides information, support, guidance and signposting for bereaved families.

They have produced a series of booklets that help explain the complex thoughts and feelings of grief, as well as the practicalities of an infant bereavement.

Phone: 0808 802 6868

Visit The Lullaby Trust

Winston’s Wish

Offers practical support and guidance to families, professionals and anyone concerned about a grieving child, as well as telephone help and advice for bereaved children and siblings.

Phone: 08088 020 021

Visit Winston's Wish

Young Minds

Advice and support for teenagers, parents and carers.

Visit Young Minds

Local organisations

Daisy’s Dream

Working across the whole of Berkshire, Daisy’s Dream supports children, young people and their families when they have been affected by the life-threatening illness or bereavement of someone close to them. 

Phone: 0118 934 2604

Visit Daisy's Dream

Berkshire Youth

Berkshire Youth Hubs share resources and support young people, their families and youth workers.

Visit Berkshire Youth


Whatever you're going through, a Samaritan will face it with you.



Free, confidential counselling and mental health support for young people aged 11 to 25 who live, work or study in an RG postcode area.

Visit No5


A digital mental health and wellbeing company working to provide a welcoming space for digital mental health care to young people in Bracknell Forest, Windsor, Maidenhead and Slough, for ages 11 to 25.

Phone: 0203 984 9337

Visit Kooth

Number 22

Registered charity providing free and confidential counselling to adults and young people in Windsor, Maidenhead and Slough.

Phone: 01628 636661

Visit Number 22

Alexander Devine Hospice

Provides specialist care and support to children with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions, and their families, across Berkshire and into surrounding counties.

Phone: 01628 822777

Visit Alexander Devine Children's Hospice Service

Helen and Douglas House Hospice

Helps local families cope with the challenges of looking after a terminally ill baby or child who will die prematurely.

Phone: 01865 794749

Visit Helen and Douglas House

Support for schools

A guide has been developed to assist education professionals in responding to the sudden unexpected death of a child or young person. The guide provides information for dealing with sudden or traumatic death of a child or young person.

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