Social care providers
We provide training to support social care providers in the private, independent and voluntary sector.
For information on classroom-based courses, email
Safeguarding children training
To find out upcoming dates and to book, email
Introduction to safeguarding children and young people
This course is designed for people from a wide variety of voluntary and statutory agencies in day-to-day contact with children and families. It is designed to develop basic awareness of child protection requirements.
The course will cover the following:
- overview of recent changes
- signs and symptoms of child abuse
- what to do if you are worried a child is being abused and what to do if a child discloses to you that they are being abused.
- information sharing and record keeping
- what happens next
Targeted multi-agency safeguarding children – a shared responsibility
This course is mandatory for all staff who work regularly with children, young people and families, and who may be asked to contribute to assessments of children in need.
The course will cover the following:
- inter-agency roles and responsibilities for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children
- inter-agency activities and the decisions required at each stage
- demonstrate skills in effective collaboration between agencies
- information sharing
- skills in engaging with professionals, children and families
- lead responsibility, roles and responsibilities at different stages of the process, including the way in which children and other family members will be involved
- outline the timescales set down in the regulations and guidance
- describe what to do if they are unhappy with the response
Targeted multi-agency safeguarding children - refresher
This course is a half day refresher of the targeted multi-agency safeguarding children course.