Parking Standards Supplementary Planning Document

This document provides guidance as a material consideration. This is to assess planning applications affecting residential and other development sites in the borough.

The Parking Standards SPD (2016) is a material consideration. It applies to all relevant planning applications validated after its adoption date.

It was adopted on 16 March 2016.

The Parking Standards Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) sets out:

  • a strategy for dealing with existing parking issues
  • the main changes to parking standards for new development from 2007 version of the Parking Standards SPD
  • parking standards tables
  • technical design annexes for:
    • parking spaces
    • disabled parking
    • motorcycle or cycle parking
    • electric vehicle charging

Criteria for depth from dwelling frontage to highway boundary

The requirements in the fifth row of table 7 in the Parking Standards SPD has been replaced with new criteria for the depth from the dwelling frontage to highway boundary to cater for parking space. This is where it is associated with a dropped kerb application. These are now:

  • 5.0m where adjacent footway or verge width is equal to or more than 1.5m
  • 5.1m where adjacent footway or verge width is less than 1.5m but equal to or more than 1.3m
  • 5.2m where adjacent footway or verge width is less than 1.3m

The authorisation was given in a report to the Executive Member for Planning and Transport in December 2018.