Why use our search

Choose to have an official search carried out by us, we offer:

Speed and efficiency

If you are buying property, time can be very important. We can receive and return searches online through our website or licensed channels. We have an average search turnaround of 4 working days or less.

We are members of the National Land and Information Service (NLIS).

Helpful and experienced staff

The Local Land Charges Service is run by a small team of professional, dedicated staff who maintain the register and know the area. We are proactive and will clarify any queries for you as quickly as possible.

Accuracy, integrity and value

We provide reassurance that all the data is derived from the authoritative and current source. All relevant questions are answered formally. Searches are certified and returned promptly.

We are confident we offer value for money and, as a local authority, we carry full indemnity insurance.

Contact information

Local land charges