Planning Authority standards for online submissions

The Planning Authority Standards are:

1. File sizes for electronic submissions

  1. No individual file is greater than 5 Mb
  2. No .zip or .exe files are submitted

2. Drawings

  1. Drawings submitted in single layer PDF format
  2. Supply drawings in A3 - where possible
  3. Do not supply drawings with optional scales at different paper sizes
  4. Scanned drawings are a minimum 200 dpi resolution
  5. List of drawings supplied to include drawing number, description and paper size
  6. Critical dimensions checked on PDF and are in scale
  7. Orientation of PDF drawings correct when viewed on screen
  8. Include a scale bar and key dimensions on all drawings

3. Other documents

  1. Letters and reports must be in PDF format

4. Photographs

  1. List of photographs or photo montages annotated with title and context or purpose explained
  2. Size of each photograph file to be below 1 Mb
  3. Photographs to be a maximum size of 15x10cm

5. Electronic file naming

  1. A list of all submitted documents is included
  2. All document and drawing file names include brief description in plain English

Contact information

Planning Team