Statement of Community Involvement

Community involvement is an important part of the planning process. Planning decisions can affect everyone in Bracknell Forest. Yet most people only get involved in planning when it directly affects them.

Our Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) sets out how our planning services keep you informed. It explains when there are opportunities for you to get involved in planning matters in the future.

It provides brief guidance on:

  • how the planning system works
  • how you can take part in planning decisions
  • what you can expect if you choose to get involved

Our existing Statement of Community Involvement was adopted by the council on 20 February 2014. 

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Draft Statement of Community Involvement

We are currently updating our SCI.  We consulted on a draft version for 5 weeks in autumn 2024. Comments received are now being considered and revisions made to the document, where appropriate.

The final version will be adopted by Cabinet in Spring 2025. It will replace our existing SCI adopted in 2014.

Read the Draft Statement of Community Involvement - 2024 (PDF, 3.7MB)