These documents provide guidance for applications for a comprehensive mixed use development of the Warfield site. This site was formerly known as land North of Whitegrove and Quelm Park. It was adopted on 21 February 2012.
The documents are:
- Warfield Supplementary Planning Document
- Warfield Sustainability Assessment
- Warfield SPD Adoption Statement
- Warfield Statement of Consultation
In line with appendix 3 of the Warfield SPD, the site is divided into 4 areas as follows:
Area 1
On 5 February 2015, the council agreed that the content of a masterplan submitted by a consortium of developers within Area 1 is technically sound and meets the requirements of the Site Allocations Local Plan Policy SA9 where it states that:
“prior to the submission of a planning application for any part of the site, masterplans will be prepared by the developer(s) and agreed with the council in line with the requirements of Policy SA9, Core Strategy Policy CS5 and the Warfield Supplementary Planning Document unless otherwise agreed with the council. Once agreed by the council these will be an important material consideration in the determination of subsequent planning applications.”
The Area 1 masterplan, which provides the parameters and design principles to set the context for development proposals, will be a material consideration in the assessment of any forthcoming planning application(s) for all, or any part of, Area 1 as defined in Appendix 3 of the Warfield Supplementary Planning Document, February 2012.’‘
Area 2
Land north of Harvest Ride, south of Forest Road, west of Avery Lane. Berkeley Homes have an approved masterplan for most of Area 2 and planning permission for:
- 750 dwellings
- open space
- a new primary school
- Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace
- a new link road
- other infrastructure
Detailed approval has been granted for the first phase (87 dwellings) with the new link road and a detailed application for the primary school under consideration by Bracknell Forest Council. Berkeley Homes have commenced on-site works for their development.
It is anticipated that 3 further smaller sites in Area 2 will be developed in the future for a combined total of around 100 dwellings. As yet no planning applications have been received for these sites.
Area 3
It is envisaged that this area will contain 454 dwellings. The land is north of Harvest Ride, (mostly) south of Warfield Street/Forest Road, east of Maize Lane. The council is working with prospective developers to produce a masterplan in the coming months.
Area 4
It is envisaged that this area will contain 27 dwellings. The land at Manor Farm, Binfield Road (south of Garth Meadows) - planning permission has been granted and the site is being constructed for completion in 2015.