Telecommunications developments

While not a planning consideration, as landowner, we get requests from time to time for the erection of telecommunications equipment on our land.

We do not have a blanket policy and we seek to consider all cases on their merits. In some instances we are in a position to allow the use of our land thereby removing the need for masts to be erected amongst homes, for example.

Please contact our Head of Property about any issues around the siting of telecommunications equipment on any sort on council owned land.

Health concerns

The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) is an independent scientific body which has produced an international set of guidelines for public exposure to radio frequency waves. These guidelines were recommended in the Stewart Report and adopted by the government, replacing the National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB) guidelines.

Health and the planning system

The National Planning Policy Framework, gives advice on planning for telecommunications development.

This states that 'Local planning authorities must determine applications on planning grounds. They should not seek to prevent competition between different operators, question the need for the telecommunications system, or determine health safeguards if the proposal meets International Commission guidelines for public exposure.'

More advice

Use the links below to find more advice: