Parking enforcement and fines

The council's aims

Parking restrictions (such as yellow lines) are used primarily to try to help address traffic congestion or road safety problems.

Our aim is to try to encourage sensible and safe parking to the benefit of all highway users including pedestrians, cyclists and bus passengers. We seek to:

  • reduce unlawful, dangerous and inconsiderate parking
  • cut congestion and the resulting pollution it causes
  • help in particular the emergency services to get to people in need

The role of Civil Enforcement Officers

A team of Civil Enforcement Officers (CEOs) are employed by NSL Ltd to help manage parking in the streets where there are restrictions in place and in the council owned car parks.

CEOs are dressed in distinctive blue uniforms, with an identification number and badge. They serve Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) to vehicles parked illegally. They serve these by:

  • affixing to vehicle windscreen
  • handing to driver
  • posting to registered keeper (in the case of a vehicle drive away)

CEOs do not get incentives for issuing a certain number of tickets. Their job is to enforce parking regulations openly, fairly and consistently.

The role of the police

The police are responsible for issues such as:

  • parking on footways (unless a yellow line or parking restriction is alongside)
  • dangerous parking where parking restrictions do not exist
  • obstruction offences

You can report incidents to Thames Valley Police by phone or online. More information about how to do this in on the Thames Valley Police website.

Penalty charge notices issued and cancelled

Penalty charge notices issued and cancelled by year
Year Number of notices issued Number of notices cancelled
2023/2024 5,837 896
2022/2023 4,006 888
2021/2022 3,678 938
2020/2021 3,302 664
2019/2020 No data (new contract started with new system)
2018/2019 4,195 1548
2017/2018 2,821 1144
2016/2017 2,795 629
2015/2016 2,576 671
2014/2015 3,760 763
2013/2014 4,405 821
2012/2013 3,893 759
2011/2012 2,983 559
2010/2011 2,876 236 (from October 2010 only)
2009/2010 2,377 Data not available
2008/2009 2,895 Data not available
2007/2008 2,910 Data not available
2006/2007 3,862 Data not available