Make a difference as a school governor
The governing body's overriding responsibility is to work in partnership with the Headteacher, to promote continuous improvement in the performance of the school. We play an important part in raising school standards through the governor core functions.
About us
Our governing body is made up of 11 governors:
- the headteacher
- one local authority governor
- one staff governor
- 2 parent governors
- 6 co-opted governors
We have 6 full governing body and finance committee meetings a year and governors choose to sit on the curriculum committee which hold 4 meetings a year. Governors also visit the school for monitoring purposes.
The most recent Ofsted inspection (November 2022) rated the school as 'Good' in all areas.
We are a relatively new board and are hoping to find the right candidate to complete our team.
The role
We are looking for a governor who has an interest in education who may also have financial, administrative, human resources, SEN or leadership skills and is able to use this experience to support the school.
We understand that all our governors have other commitments in their lives. So as a minimum you will need to:
- attend at least 2 meetings per term (currently on Mondays at 7pm)
- visit the school during the working day at least once during an academic year (curriculum meetings currently on Thursdays at 9:30am)
- attend all mandatory training and at least 1 other training course in an academic year (training is mostly held in the evenings and online)
You will be provided with training. This is delivered by Bracknell Forest Council or through the National Governance Association. This includes online learning for other sectors and types of work. This training makes school governance one of the best forms of personal and professional development.
If you would like an informal chat with one of our governors about the role, or if you would like a tour of our school please email us at
How to apply
To request an application pack, email Karen Cane, Clerk to the Governors at
You can also fill in the governor registration form.