Housing benefit appeals

We know that housing benefit can be complicated. You might not agree with a decision or think we may have got something wrong.

If that's the case, carefully check your notification letters which you can find on Citizen Access Benefits. You will need to register to view your online letters.

Follow the instructions given on the form. You are only able to view letters created from the date you register. If you need an earlier letter, contact us.

Read the details about the household and income that we are using and if you think something is incorrect, email us immediately.

After you have checked your letters, if you want to know more about the decision, or if you think something is wrong, contact us as soon as you can.

Types of request

There are 3 main things you can ask us to do.

Statement of reasons

You can ask us to explain the decision in more detail - this is called a statement of reasons.


If you think something is wrong, you can ask us to look at the decision again - this is called a reconsideration.


You can ask us to refer the matter to an independent tribunal - this is called an appeal.


If you want us to look at your claim again, or you want to appeal, you must let us know within one month from the date on the decision letter. 

Make sure you include as much supporting evidence as you can. This will help us to review the decision as quickly as possible. Quote your claim reference in any correspondence.

We may consider a late appeal for special circumstances. But, there is an absolute time limit of 13 months from the original decision.

Help and advice

We do understand that it can be difficult to ask us to re-look decisions, but the team are here to support you.

If you have a question, contact your allocated caseworker or contact us by:

You can also ask for help from Citizens Advice.

Contact information

Welfare and Housing Service

Make an enquiry