Opening hours
- Monday to Thursday - 8:30am to 4:30pm
- Friday - 8.30am - 4pm
- Weekends and bank holidays - closed
How to find us
Arriving by foot or public transport
The street entrance to the family hub faces the main road and has a green gate.
To the right of the gate is a buzzer. Press the button to gain access to the grounds.
The family hub building is the grey building in front of you on your right.
Arriving by car
The car park entrance is the first gate on your left as soon as you turn into the drive.
To the right of the gate is a buzzer. You will need to get out of your car to press the button to gain access to the car park.
The family hub building is the grey building on your right as you enter the car park.
Accessing the building
You enter the building using the door in front of the green gate.
Press the buzzer to the left of the door to gain access to the building.
Prams and buggies
Prams and buggies must be left outside. A buggy shelter and locks are available.