Children in Care Council

One of the ways that children in care can have their say is by being part of a Children in Care Council.

Our Children in Care Council is called Say it Loud Say it Proud – or SiLSiP for short.

SiLSiP is for all children who are in care or are leaving care. We get together once a month to discuss important issues about care and try and make changes for the better.

Joining SiLSiP is a great way to:

  • share your views
  • influence important people in the local council
  • learn new skills
  • meet other young people with experience of being in care

To find out about the next session, call the Participation Officer on 01344 351546.

Understanding decisions

SiLSiP created this booklet to help you understand how decisions are made when you are looked after.

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Your poems about foster care

These poems were written by SiLSiP to encourage people to think about becoming carers. 

Contact - video explainers

SiLSiP made these animated films about their experiences of contact with family and friends.