Freeze food that is approaching its best by date and plan your meals. This will help it last longer and reduces your food waste.
Addressing climate change needs a drastic change to our behaviour, not just consumer action but everyday actions in communities and organisations. As a council we are striving to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and improve biodiversity across the borough.
There are several ways you can take climate action in your everyday life from the food you eat, your choice of transport and small lifestyle changes.
Here are some suggestions of small changes you can make to your behaviour that will have a positive impact on the environment.
Freeze food that is approaching its best by date and plan your meals. This will help it last longer and reduces your food waste.
Try Meat Free Monday. Your overall emissions will reduce by eating food that has less food miles and needs less resources to produce.
Download apps for reduced food from restaurants, cafes and shops near you. This will save you money as well as reduce waste.
Instead of buying new, consider buying second hand. Fast fashion has the fourth largest environmental impact after transport, housing and food.
Reduce the flow temperature of your boiler and lower your gas bill by 6% to 8%. Watch the heating hub video or download their guide (PDF, 1MB).
Fix draughts around windows, letter boxes and floorboards to reduce your heating bill and improve your carbon footprint. Visit the Centre for Sustainable Energy for tips.
Switch to a green energy tariff. The more people that use a green energy tariff the more green energy in the national supply. Visit Ofgem for help.
Walk or cycle for short trips if you can. Take part in Eco Rewards and Love to Ride. Learn more about greener travel on MyJourney.
Do not idle when driving. Make sure you turn your engine off if you are stationary, especially when parking at schools.
Bracknell Forest has several climate and environment groups who are working to raise awareness of the impacts of climate change and improve the local environment. Think about joining a group local to you.
Join our climate change initiative if you live or work in the borough and would like to: