These responsibilities for Commitee and Sub-committee Chair are in addition to those listed in the councillor role profile.
The purpose of the Committee Chair is to:
- chair and manage the business of the committee or sub-committee in line with its terms of reference
Key duties and responsibilities
The key duties and responsibilities of the Committee Chair are to:
- lead the work of the committee or sub-committee and make sure it carries out its business effectively and efficiently within its terms of reference and in line with the strategic themes set out in the Council Plan
- chair meetings of the committee or sub-committee impartially and in such a way as to facilitate open discussion from all members and to approve draft minutes
- demonstrate fair and open decision-making by, or on behalf of, the committee/sub-committee
- make sure that contributions by the public are facilitated and controlled in line with the agreed procedure, if appropriate
- liaise with officers on the content of the agenda
- act as spokesperson for the committee or sub-committee and liaise with community groups, partners, outside bodies and the public on matters that fall within the remit of the committee or sub-committee including acting as a spokesperson to Overview and Scrutiny Commission where appropriate.
- encourage the highest standards of conduct and ethics
- work with officers and members to make sure that committee members develop the necessary skills to contribute effectively to the work of the committee and to work with officers to provide training, if appropriate
- monitor the outcome of committee decisions and follow up action points
- raise issues with, and respond to, overview and scrutiny as appropriate
Key skills
The key skills required of the Committee Chair are:
- good leadership skills
- advanced chairing skills, including the ability to manage conflict and promote consensus
- advanced listening and questioning skills
- good presentation and public speaking skills
- good media skills
- the ability to build effective relationships within and outside the council
- the ability to plan and prioritise the business of the committee/sub-committee having regard to its terms of reference
The key knowledge required of the Committee Chair is:
- in-depth knowledge of legislation regulating the work of the committee/sub-committee
- knowledge of ongoing local and national developments and their implications for the working of the committee or sub-committee
- in-depth knowledge of the council’s constitution and the Code of Conduct for Councillors, including any protocols relating to the functions of the committee or sub-committee