How your money is spent 2024 to 2025

Buildings and trees in Bracknell Town Centre

Council tax is a property based tax collected by Bracknell Forest Council. The money goes towards funding council services such as:

  • education
  • libraries
  • highways
  • street lighting
  • refuse collection

Council tax is also spent on services provided by:

It is not a direct payment for services and you need to pay whether you use these services or not.


It has been widely reported that the council has had to deal with an unprecedented level of financial pressures in the current financial year. Last summer, a potential overspend of up to £4 million was projected. This was due to a combination of the impact of inflation on service costs, rising demand for services and falling income for services like planning due to the economic slowdown.

We have worked hard over the past 6 months to identify and implement options during the year to bring spending back in line with the budget, aiming to minimise any impact on front-line service delivery. 

By January 2024 spending was forecast to be within £0.5 million of the budget. Spending controls will remain in place until the end of the year.

This position has inevitably impacted on our budget preparations for 2024 to 2025, with many of these pressures set to continue into next year. The draft revenue budget proposals published for consultation last December included almost £11 million for additional spending. In order to help offset this, £5.5 million of savings were identified and included in the budget consultation. Alongside this, our proposed capital spending plans were made public, including most notably an additional £5 million investment in highways and footpaths over the next 4 years.

Following the consultation, the final budget was agreed in February. This included changes from the draft proposals in response to consultation feedback. It also included additional spending on social care and services for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, funded from additional unexpected government grant.

Our final budget proposals include using £1.5 million of reserves to achieve a balanced position after raising council tax by 4.99%, the same increase as in almost all similar councils. Despite this, Bracknell Forest’s council tax level remains in the lowest 10% of unitary councils.

We recognise that any increase is unwelcome and for some households this may be unaffordable. For this reason, working age households in receipt of council tax support will once again see a £75 reduction in their tax bill in 2024 to 2025. Any households struggling to keep up with their payments should contact Revenue Services who will be able to provide advice and support.

Susan Halliwell, Chief Executive

Your council tax bill

Your council tax bill is made up of 4 charges:

  1. The cost of the services provided by Bracknell Forest Council (including the levy made by the Environment Agency).
  2. The cost of  services provided by your parish or town council.
  3. The cost of services provided by the Police and Crime Commissioner of the Thames Valley (£269.28 for band D).
  4. The cost of services provided by the Royal Berkshire Fire Authority (£81.31 for band D).

This table shows the amount that will be charged for an average band D home, depending on the parish area in the coming year. These figures do not include any council tax relief you may be entitled to.

Charges for an average band D home for 2024 to 2025
Area Bracknell Forest Council Parish precept Other precepting bodies Total band D charge
Binfield £1,616.13 £60.71 £350.59 £2,027.43
Bracknell £1,616.13 £99.30 £350.59 £2,066.02
Crowthorne £1,616.13 £93.64 £350.59 £2,060.36
Sandhurst £1,616.13 £78.54 £350.59 £2,045.26
Warfield £1,616.13 £49.76 £350.59 £2,016.48
Winkfield £1,616.13 £86.91 £350.59 £2,053.63

Environment agency

The Council Tax (Demand Notices) (England) Regulations 2011

The Environment Agency, as a levying body for its Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Functions under the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 and the Environment Agency (Levies) (England and Wales) Regulations 2011, provides the following information:

The Environment Agency has powers in respect of flood and coastal erosion risk management for 5,200 kilometres of main river and along tidal and sea defences in the area of the Thames Regional Flood and Coastal Committee. Money is spent on:

  • the construction of new flood defence schemes
  • the maintenance of the river system and existing flood defences
  • the operation of a flood warning system
  • management of the risk of coastal erosion
Thames Regional Flood and Coastal Committee financial details
Detail 2024 to 2025 (£'000) 2023 to 2024 (£'000)
Gross expenditure 157,319 139,806
Levies raised 12,776 12,526
Total council tax base 5,365 5,297

The majority of funding for flood defence comes directly from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra). However, under the new Partnership Funding rule not all schemes will attract full central funding.

To provide local funding for local priorities and contributions for partnership funding the committee recommends through the Environment Agency a local levy.

Changes in the gross budgeted expenditure between years reflect the programme of works for both capital and revenue. The total local levy raised has increased by 1.99% from £12.53 million in 2023 to 2024 to £12.78 million for 2024 to 2025.

Spending on your services

Every year the council delivers a wide range of services for people who live, work and study in the borough.

A revised organisational structure was introduced in September 2018 with the council now split into 3 main functional areas.

People directorate

Specific areas include:

  • Adult Social Care
  • Children and Families Social Care
  • Mental Health and Out of Hours
  • Schools
  • Commissioning
  • Learning and Achievement
  • Early Help and Communities

For residents, the directorate's services are focused on delivering the right support for all residents of Bracknell Forest, when they need it, and empowering them to get the best out of life.

It aims to provide the best possible opportunities for our young people by providing effective support and challenge to our schools and to keep everyone, whatever their age, connected to their community, family and friends and able to access the right opportunities they need to thrive.

Another key outcome is to keep more families safely together and, by providing the right support at the right time, enable people to live as independently and well as possible, for as long as possible.

Delivery directorate

Has responsibility for major contracts covering areas such as waste management and the provision of leisure facilities with our partner Everyone Active. Also provides services directly to the public including customer and electoral services, libraries and the cemetery and crematorium. Provides legal, property management and ICT support services.

Central directorates

Responsible for providing strategic financial, organisational development, transformation and HR leadership to the council and support and advice to other directorates. Leads on the place shaping of the borough dealing with both day-to-day and long-term planning, open space provision, highways maintenance, transport planning and the ongoing regeneration of Bracknell town centre. Aims to create a borough where the economy can thrive and sustainable growth is positively planned for. Responsible for Public Health. 

Major works and improvements

As well as the council’s spending on day-to-day services and how this is paid for, we also need to spend money called capital on maintaining our buildings (including schools, leisure centres and libraries), construction works such as major road and school improvements and buying equipment.

The council’s programme of capital works has been developed to be affordable, sustainable and prudent, with projects being carefully prioritised to help achieve the 3 borough priorities in the Council Plan.

The council has developed a wide range of capital proposals. Spending for next year is planned to be approximately £13 million, of which £8.5 million will be funded directly by the council.

Crossroads with vans and cars coming from all directions with trees along the sides.

Some of the major projects in our programme include:

£1.3 million on major works at primary and secondary schools

£6.8 million on highways infrastructure maintenance and improvement 

£0.4 million on IT infrastructure

Breakdown of spending


When managing such a large budget we need to make sure we have enough money to cover any unexpected emergencies.

General balances

The amount of money we are using this year from balances which we already have “in the bank” to support the cost of our services.

Cost of services for 2024 to 2025

Cost of services for 2024 to 2025
Service Gross (£’000) Income (£’000) Net (£’000)
Central 27,712 (12,310) 15,402
Delivery 29,850 (20,707) 9,143
People 272,293 (184,314) 87,979
Cost of services subtotal 329,855 (217,331) 112,524
Environment Agency Levy 125 Not applicable 125
Net interest and debt financing costs 5,244 Not applicable 5,244
Contribution to/(from) earmarked reserves (5,485) Not applicable (5,485)
Contribution to/(from) schools deficit account (6,483) Not applicable (6,483)
Business rates Not applicable (11,674) (11,674)
Other specific grants Not applicable (895) (895)
Subtotal 323,256 (229,900) 93,356
Contingencies Not applicable Not applicable 4,000
Use of general balances Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Bracknell Forest Council Net Revenue Budget after use of balances Not applicable Not applicable 97,356
(Surplus)/Deficit on collection fund Not applicable Not applicable 3,647
Government support Not applicable Not applicable (20,691)
Bracknell Forest Council council tax requirement Not applicable Not applicable 80,312
Parish precepts Not applicable Not applicable 4,203
Council tax requirement including parish precepts Not applicable Not applicable 84,515

Cost of services for 2023 to 2024

Cost of services for 2023 to 2024
Service Gross (£’000) Income (£’000) Net (£’000)
Central 27,194 (12,410) 14,784
Delivery 33,077 (19,896) 13,181
People 260,020 (178,152) 81,868
Cost of services subtotal 320,291 (210,458) 109,833
Environment Agency Levy 125 Not applicable 125
Net interest and debt financing costs 4,269 Not applicable 4,269
Contribution to/(from) earmarked reserves (8,482) Not applicable (8,482)
Contribution to/(from) schools deficit account (7,166) Not applicable (7,166)
Business rates Not applicable (10,561) (10,561)
Other specific grants Not applicable (1,481) (1,481)
Subtotal 309,037 (222,500) 86,537
Contingencies Not applicable Not applicable 2,750
Use of general balances Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Bracknell Forest Council Net Revenue Budget after use of balances Not applicable Not applicable 89,287
(Surplus)/Deficit on collection fund Not applicable Not applicable 5,376
Government support Not applicable Not applicable (19,610)
Bracknell Forest Council council tax requirement Not applicable Not applicable 75,053
Parish precepts Not applicable Not applicable 4,008
Council tax requirement including parish precepts Not applicable Not applicable 79,061

Overview of expenditure and income for 2024 to 2025

Bracknell Forest Council overview for 2024 to 2025
Bracknell Forest Council 2024 to 2025 (£’000) Per Band D property
Gross expenditure 323,256 6,504.93
Less: income (229,900) (4,626.31)
Add: contingencies 4,000 80.49
Net expenditure 97,356 1,959.11
Less: use of general balances Not applicable Not applicable
Net revenue budget after use of balances 97,356 1,959.11
Less: (surplus)/deficit on collection fund 3,647 73.39
Less: government support (20,691) (416.37)
Amount to be raised from council tax 80,312 1,616.13

Overview of expenditure and income for 2023 to 2024

Bracknell Forest Council overview for 2023 to 2024
Bracknell Forest Council 2023 to 2024 (£’000) Per Band D property
Gross expenditure 309,037 6,338.44
Less: income (222,500) (4,563.54)
Add: contingencies 2,750 56.40
Net expenditure 89,287 1,831.30
Less: use of general balances Not applicable Not applicable
Net revenue budget after use of balances 89,287 1,831.30
Less: (surplus)/deficit on collection fund 5,376 110.27
Less: government support (19,610) (402.21)
Amount to be raised from council tax 75,053 1,539.36

Parish and town councils

Your parish council is the first tier of local government. It is closest to the people it represents. The elected members in each of Bracknell Forest’s 6 parishes work closely with community groups and Bracknell Forest Council to provide services relevant to each area. They vary in size and population but each tailors its services and spending to its community. Some are predominantly urban, and others more rural.

Their work often includes local environmental work in parks and play areas, provision of sports pitches and open spaces, play equipment and allotments. Some run community halls and services for young people and all give grants to help local groups. All of them have staff who can help you with information on local groups and parish and borough-wide services.

Contact your parish council to learn more, by telephone or by visiting its website. It is there to serve you and your local needs. Your input helps it provide the right services for your parish.

Parish precepts

This is the amount of money your local parish or town council requires to run services in that area. Each individual parish precept for an average band D home is outlined in the table below.

Parish precepts for 2024 to 2025
Area 2024 to 2025 total Band D charge
Binfield £291,360 £60.71
Bracknell £2,082,122 £99.30
Crowthorne £321,093 £93.64
Sandhurst £628,241 £78.54
Warfield £275,555 £49.76
Winkfield £604,987 £86.91
Parish precepts for 2023 to 2024
Area 2023 to 2024 total Band D charge
Binfield £278,688 £60.11
Bracknell £2,006,773 £97.35
Crowthorne £289,144 £89.19
Sandhurst £608,933 £76.25
Warfield £248,756 £46.51
Winkfield £575,211 £83.01

Gross expenditure for each parish with a precept above £100,000

Gross expenditure for each parish for 2024 to 2025 compared with 2023 to 2024 expenditure
Area 2024 to 2025 gross expenditure (£'000) 2023 to 2024 gross expenditure (£'000)
Binfield 310 327
Bracknell 2,926 2,926
Crowthorne 436 638
Sandhurst 879 818
Warfield 393 338
Winkfield 1,775 1,796

Contact information

Revenue services


Phone: 01344 352011