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Why come to Bracknell Forest
Moving to work in a new place can be hard. Below are some of the reasons why we think Bracknell Forest is a great place to live and work.
Bracknell town centre has been regenerated and The Lexicon has an exciting range of retailers and restaurants.
Bracknell house prices are reasonable and there are any many nice areas to live.
Bracknell is really easy to commute to as it's right next to the M3 and M4 junctions.
Bracknell train station is a 5 minute walk from the Time Square offices. It is on the main Reading to London Waterloo rail line.
Our schools are good no matter which area you choose to live in.
Crime and antisocial behaviour is very low. Bracknell is a safe place to walk around, no matter what time of day.
There are many leisure opportunities and open spaces to enjoy in the area. We have great parks and Swinley Forest surrounds Bracknell and is used for walking, off-road biking and has a fantastic outdoor play area.
The council plan
The council plan sets out the approach we are taking to be able to adapt and innovate to keep Bracknell Forest a good place to live and work.