Local Countryside Access Forum

Help improve access to the countryside

"We are looking for volunteers to join our small friendly forum.

No formal qualifications are needed to become a member, but you should ideally be passionate about promoting access for all. Knowledge and experience relevant to countryside access is also welcome.

We advise the council on how to improve access to local rights of way and the countryside. Our suggestions for priority access improvements are included in the Bracknell Forest Rights of Way Improvement Plan.

Our members meet 3 times a year. There’s also the opportunity to take part in site visits, carry out rights of way inspections and help deliver physical improvements to access.

If you don’t think you can fully commit to join us, there are other ways you can help. Why not take a look at the countryside conservation page?"

Colin Bird, Local Countryside Access Forum Chairman

Logo: local countryside access forum

About the forum

We are an independent group that advises the council on the improvement of public access to countryside in Bracknell Forest for the purposes of open-air recreation and the enjoyment of the area.

The council, as the Borough Highway Authority, has a duty under section 94 of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 to establish a Local Access Forum.

Our forum operates in line with the Local Access Forums (England) Regulations 2007 and the agreed terms of reference.

Current members represent a range of interests. You can read about these in the interest list.


Forum meetings take place 3 times a year. Members also take part in site visits and Local Access Forum (LAF) conferences.

Members are kept informed about access routes affected by:

  • diversions
  • development
  • capital and maintenance works 
  • Rights of Way Improvement Plan projects

Forum members also contribute to regional LAF meetings and consultations.

The forum meets in public. Anyone is welcome to attend as a member of the public. Observers from neighbouring forums can also attend meetings.

Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday 28 January at 7pm in the Council Chamber at Time Square.

Agendas and minutes 

Agendas and minutes are available online.

View agendas and minutes


How to become a member

To apply for a place on the forum, fill in the member application form.

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Benefits of membership

The forum can have up to 22 members. They represent a broad range of interests, including:

  • landowners
  • councillors
  • those who earn their living in the countryside
  • users of public rights of way 
  • other relevant interests, such as nature conservation

The benefits include:

  • making a contribution to the debate - share your experience and expertise from your specific field
  • keeping informed about access law, policy and legislation
  • meeting and working with other like-minded people at forum meetings, site visits and national and regional LAF conferences
  • helping to make a difference - influence local and UK policy and inform the council on access management strategy and policy

Who we are looking for

We are looking for people who are passionate about the countryside, promoting access for all and can contribute positively to the work of the forum.

No formal qualifications are needed to become a member, but interested people will ideally have a broad range of knowledge, interest and experience relevant to countryside access.

Person specification

Do you meet some or all of the following criteria? If so, you may make an ideal member of our forum and we would like to hear from you.

Abilities, skills and experience

You should have:

  • good communication and people skills
  • the ability to work constructively and as part of a team with competing interests
  • the ability to contribute to constructive debate

It would also be useful, but not essential, if you have attended public meetings of this sort before.

Knowledge, interests and awareness

You should have:

  • knowledge, interest or awareness of countryside issues and more specifically, the Bracknell Forest area.
  • knowledge, interest or awareness of access to the countryside and interaction between recreation, land management and other issues
  • participation or involvement in use of the countryside

It would also be useful if you take part or are involved in more than one countryside activity.

Other requirements

You should:

  • be supportive of purpose of the forum outlined in the terms of reference
  • have a commitment to making countryside more accessible and enjoyable for all.
  • be willing to give, for at least 3 years, time to attend meetings as well as possible training and networking outside of meetings

It would also be useful if you are interested in other related issues such as nature conservation or access for all.

Contact information

Parks and Countryside

Make an enquiry