Crowthorne Neighbourhood Plan

The Crowthorne Neighbourhood Plan forms part of the Development Plan and is used in determining planning applications in Crowthorne Parish.

The Plan was 'made' by Bracknell Forest Council on 9 June 2021.


At the Crowthorne Neighbourhood Plan Referendum held on Thursday 6 May 2021, more than half of the local community of Crowthorne Parish that voted were in favour of the council using the Crowthorne Neighbourhood Plan to help decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area.

The referendum on the Crowthorne Neighbourhood Plan was based on the designated Crowthorne Parish Neighbourhood Area. The full results can be viewed in the declaration of result of poll.

In line with the Section 38(3A) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as amended), the Crowthorne Neighbourhood Plan came into legal force as part of the Development Plan for Crowthorne Parish with immediate effect after approval at referendum.

Post examination decision statement

Having considered the recommendations made in the Examiner’s report and the reasons for them, the council, with the consent of Crowthorne Parish Council, decided to accept the recommended modifications and send the Crowthorne Neighbourhood Plan to referendum based on the designated Crowthorne Parish Neighbourhood Area.

Updated government guidance (Planning Practice Guidance) made it clear that where a local planning authority had issued a ‘Decision Statement’ detailing its intention to send a neighbourhood plan to referendum, the policies could be given significant weight in decision-making, so far as they were material to an application.


The Crowthorne Neighbourhood Plan, along with other supporting documents and information, was examined by an independent Examiner who submitted his report to the council on 24 March 2020.

The report concluded that, subject to making certain modifications, the Neighbourhood Plan met the ‘Basic Conditions’ set out in the legislation and that it should proceed to referendum.

The Examiner also recommended that the referendum area be based on the designated Neighbourhood Area.

The Examiner’s report and examination correspondence can be found below.

Submission consultation

The parish council submitted its proposed plan to Bracknell Forest Council on 22 July 2019. The council was satisfied that the submitted plan complied with the relevant legal requirements and therefore proceeded with the formal consultation. In line with the Regulations, the plan was subject to a 6-week consultation period between Monday 23 September and Monday 4 November 2019.

The submitted Crowthorne Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documents can be accessed through the links below:

All written representations received during the consultation period were submitted to the Examiner.

Submission consultation responses

Consultation responses and reference number
Representation number Representation name and link
001 Transport for London
002 Sport England
003 Environment Agency
004 Surrey County Council
005 Bracknell Forest Council letter
006 South East Water
007 Historic England
008 Legal and General
009 Wellington College
010 CPRE
011 National Grid

Pre-submission consultation

Crowthorne Parish Council undertook a pre-submission (Regulation 14) consultation on the draft Plan between 4 February and 20 March 2019.

Designation of Crowthorne Parish Neighbourhood Area

Crowthorne Parish Neighbourhood Area was designated by Bracknell Forest Council on 15 June 2016.

Crowthorne Parish Council applied for the designation of a Neighbourhood Area in April 2016. A 4-week consultation on the proposal was held until 18 May 2016.

The relevant documents are:

Strategic Environment Assessment and Habitats Regulation Assessment Screening Determination

In some circumstances, neighbourhood plans may require environmental assessments in line with European obligations. These environmental assessments are a Strategic Environment Assessment (SEA) and Habitats Regulation Assessment Screening Determination (HRA).

Crowthorne Parish Council provided information on the scope of their neighbourhood plan to Bracknell Forest Council to determine whether a SEA or HRA is required. This is known as ‘screening’.

Bracknell Forest Council’s screening decision was subject to a 5-week consultation with Historic England, Natural England and the Environment Agency. The screening determination concluded that the Crowthorne Neighbourhood Plan did not require an SEA or an Appropriate Assessment.

More information

You can find more information on the Crowthorne Parish Council website.

Contact information

Planning Policy Team