The duration of road closures may be estimates. Check back for more updates.
A322 Bagshot Road, Bracknell (northbound)
These works have been postponed. Check back for updates.
Reason: public and worker safety while The Highway Authority carry out safety critical carriageway patching works.
Diversion: South Hill Road, A3095 Mill Lane, A322 Downshire way.
B3018 Church Lane, Binfield (between Terrace Road North and All Saints)
Date: Friday 29 November from 9:30am until 3:30pm.
Reason: public and worker safety while The Highway Authority carry out safety critical carriageway patching works.
Diversion: Terrace Road North, B3034 Forest Road, B3018 Church Lane.
High Street, Crowthorne between junction with Dukes Ride and Church Road
Date: Friday 6 December from 4pm to 8pm.
Reason: public safety while the Crowthorne Late Night Shopping Event takes place.
Diversion: Dukes Ride, New Wokingham Road, Waterloo Road, Church Street.