Highways search enquiries

The council provides written or verbal responses to requests for information about highways and roads. This includes adopted highways, ancient highways, and any dedication information.

If you need a response in writing we currently charge a fee of £74 per hour. This fee is subject to annual review in line with the council’s budget and you are advised to contact us to obtain the latest fee.

We estimate it will take an hour to complete a typical search enquiry but this could vary depending on the scale of request and the officer time to provide the required response.

To make a formal request for a written response, email highways.transport@bracknell-forest.gov.uk.

To speak to an officer informally, contact 01344 351175.

There is no charge for verbal information or to see the list of public roads in the borough at the council offices. Contact us to make an appointment for this.

Street naming and numbering

The council also provides a street naming and numbering service for new developments and existing properties.

For more information on the procedures and costs, use our street naming and numbering enquiry form.