Guidance on temporary signs to housing developments

Approval may be given to developers to erect their own temporary direction signing to new housing developments subject to the following criteria.


To avoid confusion caused by unofficial names, only a name approved by the council’s adoption section may be used and agreement must be reached on the best way of distinguishing between developments on the same site.

It is advisable for the developer to agree the site marketing name with the local authority before works begin, so that the same name may be used for all signing.

The council must be consulted before any signs are placed on the highway, to authorise the number, type and location.

There must be a demonstrable traffic management need for the signs. As a rule of thumb, a development must be designed to include a minimum of 30 bedrooms before signs will be permitted.

It is felt that the traffic management case is not great enough to justify signing small sites.

The presumption must be that all traffic seeking a development will have been given at least outline instructions on how to find it.

These signs are not intended as advertisements to attract passing trade. Signing is permitted only in the close environs of the site, to confirm to drivers that they are arriving at their destination. It will generally be allowed within a half-mile radius or 2 junction’s way from the site and each case will be judged individually considering the local road network and the existence of existing signing. Signing will be kept to a low level to be helpful and effective.

These signs may be erected when work starts on the site substructures and must be taken down within 3 months of the sale of 80% of the properties.

The person(s) responsible for the erection of the temporary signs will indemnify the Highway Authority against any liability, loss, damage or proceedings arising from the erection of the signs.

The Highway Authority reserves the right to move or remove unapproved signs to housing developments as it considers necessary and recoup the total cost, including any necessary storage.


Make an application using our online form.

Apply to place temporary directional signs

Apply at least one month before the event with the following information:

  • locations
  • schedule of signs showing locations, sizes, legends and directions
  • duration that the signs are required on site
  • method statement and risk assessment
  • evidence of competency to work on the highway

When you receive provisional agreement to the proposals, with modifications if necessary, provide evidence indemnifying the Highway Authority from any liability, loss, damage or proceedings arising from the temporary signs.


The signs shall conform to diagram no. 2701 or 2701.1 of the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2016. The sign should feature the approved name of the development. It must not incorporate the developers name, logo, postcode or any other sales name.

Signs may be erected on existing signpost(s) or lamp columns but must not be erected on any traffic signal poles. They should not interfere in any way or obstruct any existing street signs, traffic signal poles or visibility splays at junctions and should not be placed closer than 0.5 metres from the edge of the carriageway or less than 2.1 metres above the footway level.

Where signs are to be placed on a cycleway, they must be erected not less than
2.4 metres above the cycleway or carriageway level. Any damage to Highway Authority property must be made good at the organisers' expense.