Conditions for placing skips on the public highway


A skip must not be placed on the highway without the prior approval in writing of the Highway Authority.

A non-refundable fee is charged to cover the administrative costs in processing the licence. This fee is the application fee including one week occupation of the highway and will need to be paid before the skip licence is granted. For current charges see the skip permits page.

The skip owner must allow at least 3 clear working days between the date of the receipt of application for a licence to place a skip on the highway and the date on which the licence is intended to start.

Unless stated on the original application a licence will not be granted for a period greater than one week. If a period greater than one week is required the person applying must state this on the original application and pay the relevant application fee including one weeks occupation and the charge for each further week or part there of. For current charges see the skip permits page.

The skip owner undertakes to indemnify the Highway Authority against any claims arising out of or by reason of anything done or omitted to be done in respect of the siting of the skip pursuant to this application. For this purpose an insurance policy will be maintained by the skip owner to cover any liability up to £5,000,000 for any such claim and to produce the policy to the Highway Authority upon demand together with the receipt for the last premium.

Specifications of skips

The skip must not exceed 5 metres in length and 2 metres in width.

The skip must be clearly and permanently marked on one of the longer sides (not the end) with the owner’s name and address or telephone number.

The ends of the skips must be painted yellow and there must be attached vertically along the outside edge of each end so as to be visible to traffic, a strip of material the composition of which complies with the Builders Skips (Markings) Regulations 1984 (Sl 1984 No 1933) in having broad red fluorescent and yellow reflecting diagonal stripes. The painting and the strip of material must, at all times be kept clean.

Position of skips

A skip must not be placed on the highway in a way that:

  • impedes the surface water drainage of the highway
  • obstructs access to:
    • other premises
    • fire hydrants
    • gullies
    • manholes 
    • any apparatus belonging to a utility company or to the Highway Authority

Any skip on the carriageway must be positioned with its longer side parallel to and as near to the edge of the carriageway as possible.

A skip must be visible to traffic approaching from either side at a distance of not less than 75m and should not be placed within 20m of a road junction.

A skip must not partly or wholly obstruct a footway without the permission of the Highway Authority. If such permission has been granted, a 1.5m wide pedestrian walkway must be barriered off to segregate pedestrians from traffic and the walkway must be lamped at night.

Where more than one skip is placed upon the highway at the same time, the skips must be positioned as close to each other as possible so that the distance between adjacent skips does not exceed 2m.

Lighting and coning of skips

A skip on the carriageway must be protected by 4 cones positioned to form a taper on the approaching traffic side commencing 2.5m from the skip.

During the hours of darkness an amber lamp must be attached at each corner of the skip and when the skip has been placed on the carriageway, lamps must be placed between the traffic cones. Each lamp should have an illuminative power of not less that 1 candela and must remain lit throughout the night.

Contents of skips

No skip must contain any inflammable, explosive, noxious or dangerous material which is likely to putrefy or become a nuisance to the users of the highway and the contents of the skip must be kept damp to prevent nuisance from dust.

No skip must be used in such a way that any of the contents fall on to the highway.

Removal of skips

No skips must remain on the highway after the expiry of the licence. If an extension of the licence is required an application must be made in writing to the Highway Authority 2 working days before the expiry of the licence. Any extensions if agreed will be charged at the appropriate rate or part there of. For current charges see the skip permits page.

Any skip must be removed as soon as possible and in any case not later than 2 working days after it has been filled.

A skip must be removed or re positioned if required by the police or the Highway Authority.

A skip owner placing a skip on the highway handles the removal and proper disposal of the materials placed in the skip irrespective of who has used the skip.

On the expiry of the licence, the highway where the skip has been positioned must be left in a clean and tidy condition and any damage to the highway repaired to the satisfaction of the Highway Authority.

If a skip is found on the highway after expiry of the licence, we will ask you to remove the skip and a charge will apply for not holding a valid licence. For current charges see the skip permits page.