If you operate a business and wish to place an advertising board or display on the highway or pavement you need a permit from the local authority.
The fee is £90.
The fee without a licence is £444 from 1 April.
Application process
You will need to provide a location plan indicating the position of the surrounding street furniture. For a single advertising board application, a photograph of the area, showing the surrounding street furniture with an indication of the proposed location of the advertising board is sufficient.
Once we receive your application we must consult the public and frontagers of the street before an agreement can be entered.
How to apply
You can apply online.
Apply to use street or pavement space for displays
We aim to process your application within 21 working days (not including the 28 day public consultation period).
It is in the public interest that we process your application before it can be granted. If you have not heard from us within 45 working days please contact us.
The law
The relevant legislation is Highways Act 1980, Section 115B /115E.