Co-opted governor vacancy for Fox Hill Primary School

Make a difference as a school governor

The governing board of Fox Hill Primary School, Bracknell, has a vacancy for a co-opted governor.

We are looking to encourage people from the local community to join our governing body at Fox Hill Primary School. We would love to hear from anyone who is passionate about education and would like to become one of our governors.

About us

Our governing board currently has 12 governors:

  • the headteacher
  • 2 elected parent governors
  • one local education authority governor
  • one staff governor
  • 7 co-opted governors

We employ a professional clerk.

All of our governors have their own careers and responsibilities, but they dedicate time to the school when they are able.

Our governors bring a wealth of different experience to the governing body including financial expertise, strategic planning and more practical skills, all of which are highly valued.

The governing body’s overriding responsibility is to work in partnership with the headteacher, to promote continuous improvement in the performance of the school.

We play an important part in raising school standards through our 3 core functions of:

  • setting strategic direction
  • accountability 
  • monitoring and evaluating school performance

The role

We understand that all our governors have other commitments in their lives.

You will need to:

  • attend at least 2 meetings per term - on Monday evenings
  • attend one training session per year
  • visit the school during the working day a couple of days a year

Our governors all agree that seeing how the school runs and the impact of their decisions on the school community is the most enjoyable part of being a governor.

We support governors with an expert team of advisers, together with a comprehensive training programme which can be applicable in other fields of work. We believe that being a governor at Fox Hill Primary School can give a volunteer a deep level of personal satisfaction in helping others in their community, as well as developing practical skills useful in all workplaces.

How to apply

To request an application pack, email Claire Pollard, Clerk to the Governors at

You can also fill in the governor registration form.

Contact information

Governor Services