Make a difference as a school governor
Are you interested, or do you know someone who might be interested, in joining our school’s governing body?
“It’s great to know that you can make a real difference for the children in the school by volunteering a little time.”
The role
Governors are volunteers who play a very important role in schools, providing critical friendship, challenge and support.
Governors can be parents of children at the school, or people from local community and businesses, of all ages and backgrounds, who bring with them a range of useful skills and experiences.
If you have knowledge of leadership, HR, finance, education or stakeholder engagement then we’d especially like to hear from you.
You will be provided with training. This is delivered by Bracknell Forest Council or through the National Governance Association. This includes online learning for other sectors and types of work. This training makes school governance one of the best forms of personal and professional development.
How to apply
For more information about becoming a school governor please email the clerk to the governing body at
If you are interested in becoming a school governor, fill in the governor registration form.