Part of the work of our grounds maintenance team is to look after our woodland copses and small trees. This work involves cutting back and clearance work for the following reasons:
- keeping footpaths clear
- reducing antisocial behaviour
- enhancing a sense of safety in places such as underpasses
- inspecting the land including tree surveys and reporting certain weeds
We use chainsaws and other maintenance equipment but we do not carry out tree felling or any work that involves any specialist winch or lifting machinery.
The team works to protect our natural environment and therefore work is as minimal as possible. Debris is stacked back into the local area as much as possible for wildlife habitat material.
Wherever possible work is carried out during the winter months when wildlife is dormant and we are not cutting grass. We only carry out work during the summer for safety reasons.
Report an issue with a woodland copse or small tree on our grounds maintenance form.
Report a grounds maintenance issue
For larger trees that need specialist work see the tree section for more information.