
Report an issue

If you think a tree is in danger of falling or is posing a risk to the public please contact us immediately on 01344 352000.

Report a fallen tree or branch

Report a tree or a branch that has already fallen where:

  • it is from a council managed tree
  • it is causing an obstruction to the public or it is causing damage
Report a fallen tree or branch

Report an issue with a tree

Report an issue where trees or branches:

  • pose a risk to people
  • are causing, or are about to cause, damage to property
Report an issue with a tree

Report overhanging vegetation

Report vegetation overhanging a road or pavement.

Report overhanging vegetation

Woodland projects

Big Wood regeneration project

The Big Wood regeneration project removed Corsican pine trees from a woodland in Bracknell.

The pine trees were replaced with native tree varieties to make a better habitat for wildlife, a place more enjoyable for recreation and that will provide a sustainable source of timber.

Read about the Big Wood regeneration project

Crowthorne Road woodland project

We have started a long-term project to remove pine trees from a woodland in Bracknell.

The pine trees will be replaced with native varieties to make a better habitat for wildlife, a place more enjoyable for recreation and provide a sustainable source of timber.

Read about the Crowthorne Road woodland project

Nine Mile Ride woodland improvements

We are:

  • improving the biodiversity value of the woodland that runs alongside Nine Mile Ride (B3430), between Bagshot Road and Crowthorne Road
  • removing invasive rhododendron ponticum and cherry laurel
  • replanting key areas of the woodland with a mix of native broadleaved species

The improvements are needed to maintain a healthy woodland environment.

Read about the Nine Mile Ride woodland improvements

South Hill Park woodland improvements

We are working to improve the biodiversity value of woodland at South Hill Park.

The first stage of this project involved contractors removing invasive cherry laurel from a 0.25 hectare area of woodland. This is a non-native, evergreen tree or shrub, which grows in the woodlands at South Hill Park.

The work took place in autumn 2023. We have planted native trees and have installed fencing around this area to aid woodland recovery.

Read about the South Hill Park woodland improvements