Compliance checks for early years entitlements

The council carries out compliance checks with providers. This is to confirm that claims for entitlements are in line with government guidance.

A small number of providers from each sector will be selected for a compliance check each term.

Most checks will be conducted virtually, with a small sample conducted on site.

These checks will verify:

  • funding claims reflect completed and signed parent declaration forms
  • children are attending for the hours claimed
  • providers are not charging a top up fee
  • provider's terms and conditions meet the requirements set out in the provider agreement
  • invoices meet the requirements set out in the provider agreement

Copies of the following documents will be requested:

  • parent declaration forms for selected children
  • attendance registers for dates selected
  • invoices for children selected
  • current early years entitlement funding policy and one of the following:
    • fees and charges, if available
    • a prospectus, if it explains the early years entitlement offer
    • current fees and charges information, if not included in the above
  • a complaints process that is published and accessible to parents

An onsite check may follow if a virtual compliance check shows it is needed.

Compliance check follow-up

After a compliance check, providers will get a written report.

Where needed, the report will include actions to complete. The actions will bring a provider’s policies, procedures, or documentation in line with the provider agreement.

Actions will have a timescale for completion. If providers do not meet the timescale, they could be in breach of the statutory requirements. This may result in the withdrawal of funding.

If we withdraw funding, we will help providers contact the parents of funded children. We will help to explain the reason for the withdrawal and the options available.

When needed, we will work with parents to arrange alternative provision for funded children.

Contact the Early Years Team if you have any questions about compliance checks.

Contact information

Early Years Team