Getting help

Key contact numbers

Leaving Care Service: 01344 352020

Social Care Out of Hours: 01344 351999

Bracknell Forest Customer Services: 01344 352000


Brants Bridge, for urgent care including out of hours GP (not Accident and Emergency): 01344 551100.

Emergency dentist: contact your own dentist or phone 111.

Sexual health

Garden Clinic at Skimped Hill: 01344 458118 or 0300 365777.


Gas leak: phone 0800 111 999.

Emergency with electric: phone 105.

Visit our out of hours emergencies page for more useful contacts.

Relevant universal services

Universal services:

Education and training

Elevate for careers advice for 14 to 25 years:

Virtual School:

Other places you can go for help

Other places for help:

Contact information

Children's Social Care