Council Plan key result definitions

Each key result is represented by a specific measure. Each metric has been identified to provide some insight into the experience of residents in the local community.

All the indicators relate to the role of the council. Often several services will be working together towards each metric. Performance is influenced by a range of factors. Some of these are outside of the council’s control and will often need wider partner involvement.

Metrics on their own should not be taken in isolation. There are many elements that contribute towards each data set and the wider goal to be achieved. They are intended to provide a conversation starter across the system to get the best outcomes for residents.

Find out more about how we monitor performance.

Engaged and healthy communities

Measurement metrics for engaged and healthy communities
Result Metric for measurement Reference
Raise secondary attainment levels for disadvantaged students Attainment 8 for KS4 pupils considered disadvantaged KR111
Raise primary school development for disadvantaged children Percentage of disadvantaged children achieving expected standard+ (EXS+) combined Reading, Writing, Maths (RWM) by end of KS2 KR112
Increase the proportion of children with an education, health and care plan (EHCP) who are educated within the borough Percentage of Bracknell Forest children with EHCP (aged 5-16) with school placement in the borough KR113
Increase the rate of EHCPs issued within the 20 week statutory time frame Percentage of EHCPs issued within 20 week statutory timeframe KR114
Increase all education settings rated good or outstanding Combined percentage of early years providers rated good or outstanding and % schools rated good or outstanding KR115
Increase participation in youth services Number of young people involved in universal youth service activities KR116
Improve the career outcomes for children in care Percentage of Care Leavers aged 19 to 21 who are not in education or training (NEET) KR121
Reduce the number of children on a child protection plan Child protection plan rate per 10,000 KR122
Reduce the proportion of children who need to step up to statutory services Percentage of early help caseload ‘stepped up’ to statutory social care following an early help assessment KR123
Increase satisfaction of carers with social care support Overall satisfaction of carers with social services (for them and for the person they care for) (Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework) KR131
Increase long term support being delivered at home Percentage long term support recipients not in residential care or nursing care KR132
Increase care placements to good or outstanding settings. Percentage of care placements in good or outstanding settings KR133
Increase visits to the council’s open spaces Number of visitors to monitored open spaces KR141
Reduce levels of smoking Percentage of smokers who have quit within 4 weeks of programme KR142
Increase weight loss through health programmes Percentage of adults enrolled in the weight management service losing any weight KR143
Increase effectiveness of community mental health support Percentage of clients continuing to live independently without primary or secondary mental health care provision at 3 months and 6 months checks post one to one support with Bracknell Forest Community Network KR144
Increase visits to the libraries Number of visits to Bracknell Forest libraries (physical visits to all libraries buildings, excluding home library) KR151
Increase the number of Community activities captured on the Community Map Number of community activities listed KR152
Increase activity within our community centres Number of groups using council owned community centres (average per centre) KR153
Increase community volunteering Number of volunteers registered with Involve for volunteering pool KR154
Increase affordable homes completed Additional affordable homes completed (affordable rented and shared ownership). KR161
Reduce the number of people who are rough sleeping Number of people rough sleeping KR162
Reduce local crime Total recorded crime excluding fraud (crime rate per 1,000 for headline offences) KR163
Reduce households living in temporary accommodation Number of households in temporary accommodation KR164

Thriving and connected economy

Measurement metrics for a thriving and connected economy
Result Metric for measurement Reference
Reduce unemployment rate Unemployment rate of the working age, economically active population (%) KR211
Increase number of apprenticeships and traineeships Apprenticeship starts since start of academic year KR212
Increase homes completed within the town centre Net additional dwellings within Town Centre ward and the Parks ward KR221
Increase visits to the town centre Footfall within the town centre (% change since previous year) KR223
Increase clean environment at neighbourhood centres Percentage of neighbourhood centres passing the regular street cleansing checks - contract standards KR231
Maintain high occupancy of neighbourhood centre units Percentage of occupied units on neighbourhood parades owned by the council KR232
Increase sustainability of new businesses Business survival beyond 4 years (%) KR241
Increase growth of new businesses Number of new businesses started in Bracknell Forest KR242
Maintain high occupancy of council owned business units Percentage occupied light industrial units owned by the council KR243

Green and sustainable environment

Measurement metrics for a green and sustainable environment
Result Metric for measurement Reference
Increase the correct use of recycling Recycling contamination rate (percentage of material collected from blue bins that is incorrect material) KR311
Increase the average energy efficiency rating of the housing stock in the borough Percentage of all homes that have a Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP) rating of band C or above (including park homes) KR312
Increase the installation of publicly available electric vehicle charge points Number of publicly available charge points per 100,000 population KR313
Reduce borough emissions Total emissions for territorial emissions within council area (kT Co2e) KR314
Increase new trees being supported to independent growth Number of trees being supported during the quarter (to independence) KR315
Increase Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspaces (SANG) and open space provision through the planning process SANG and other Open Space for Public Value (OSPV) secured (hectares) where open space secured through planning process KR321
Increase volunteering within the boroughs parks and countryside Number of hours volunteering with parks and countryside activities KR322
Increase biodiversity across the borough through new developments Average percentage biodiversity net gain across new developments KR323
Increase use of sustainable public transport Number of journeys across Thames Valley Buses network KR331
Increase delivery of infrastructure by Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Income received from CIL (income received, liability notices, demand notices) KR332
Increase green miles travelled by walking and cycling Green travel miles recorded through the eco-rewards scheme KR333