Anti-social behaviour case review

The anti-social behaviour case review is a process which gives victims and communities the right to ask for a case review of problematic reports of antisocial behaviour they have reported in the past 6 months.

It is designed to put victims first and makes sure all agencies work together to try and resolve reports of antisocial behaviour. This helps to make sure that no one affected by antisocial behaviour feels unheard.

It cannot be used to report general acts of crime, including hate crime.

Note: All antisocial behaviour incidents must have been reported within 30 days of the incident happening.

How it works

The anti-social behaviour case review can be used by anyone who has made a report about the same antisocial problem which meets the council's threshold. 

This is:

  • when 3 separate incidents about the same antisocial behaviour issue have been reported to either the council, police or registered housing provider in the last 6 months and you feel that the response has been ineffective

Once you have submitted your anti-social behaviour case review, the community safety team will assess this against the threshold criteria.

In assessing whether your application meets the threshold, we will also consider:

  • the frequency of complaints
  • the effectiveness of the response
  • the potential harm

If your application meets the threshold, a lead agency will be appointed which will be based on the case itself. The lead agency will host the anti-social behaviour case review meeting and will make sure key points and actions are noted. They will communicate directly with you on the outcome of the review.

If you do not meet the criteria

The anti-social behaviour case review brings a number of agencies together to look at whether there is anything further than can be done.

It aims to find solutions that may not have been considered before. The process is not designed to find fault with any organisation’s response, rather to see what other agencies can do to help or support the matter or to see whether there are other things that can be done.

All organisations will have a complaints process. This is designed to deal with concerns you might have about the service you have received from them specifically. This process is more appropriate where you feel you have been let down by them or you feel they have done something wrong. If you have an ongoing complaint that is being dealt with by the council, police or registered housing provider, you cannot activate the anti-social behaviour case review process about the exact same issue as this does not replace the complaints procedures of individual organisations.

If this is the first time you are reporting antisocial behaviour, you can report it by:

In an emergency, call 999.


If you are dissatisfied with the outcome, you can contact the community safety team with your reasons and a second tier meeting will be held between senior representatives of the agencies involved, who will investigate your appeal.

Independent information on anti-social behaviour case reviews can be found on the ASB Help website.

How to activate an anti-social behaviour case review

Fill in our online form or request a paper version.

Fill in an anti-social behaviour case review form

Request a paper copy of the anti-social behaviour case review form 


These anti-social behaviour case review results are related to Bracknell Forest.

Anti-social behaviour case review results in Bracknell Forest
Year Number of applications received Number of applications that did not meet threshold Number of ASB case reviews carried out Number of ASB case reviews resulting in recommendations Number of appeals
2024 2 2 0 0 0
2023 5 5 0 0 0
2022 4 4 0 0 0
2021 3 2 0 0 0
2020 1 1 0 0 0

Contact information

Community Safety Service

Phone: 01344 352999 (answerphone)

In the event of an emergency, call Thames Valley Police on 999 or 101 in a non-emergency.