Help and support with drugs and alcohol

Focus on people's hands in a support group

Breaking Free

Breaking Free is a digital recovery programme that is available on any computer, tablet or smartphone.

It provides you with proven behaviour change techniques and helps you to manage high risk situations.

It's easy to follow, totally confidential and is ideal for all stages of your recovery journey.

How to use Breaking Free

First create an account on the Breaking Free website. You can then access the website for free using the code: Bracknell 11.

You can start using this support before getting in touch with us, or while you are engaging with us at New Hope. 

Local help and support

You can find help and support from our local services.

Online help and support

Help and support from people suffering from mental health issues, including substance misuse:

Help and support for people suffering from addiction:

Help and support for the family and friends of people suffering from addiction:

For more information about drugs in general visit Talk to FRANK.

Contact information

Drug and Alcohol Action Team


Phone: 01344 312360